Sunday, May 8, 2011


Harper hates sleep. It interferes with her climbing and falling time. It prevents her from being super hilarious and adorable (she's still adorable while asleep, but the hilarity part is complicated). And it is hard to talk on the phone to imaginary dogs (complete with barking) when catching some z's. Unless she dreams about dog phone calls. I don't know her life. Anyway, I don't really notice that this cute little sleep-deprivation experiment is affecting my mental capacity until things that I can normally figure out are completely impossible. Like this blog, for example. Earlier today I tried to post a blog post about Mother's Day and diets. Here is a brief synopsis: "Happy Mother's Day! (humorous picture) I am on a diet but love candy! (a different humorous picture)". Here is what posted: (humorous picture) (a different humorous picture) then half a sentence. And I had no clue how to fix it, so I deleted it. Rest assured that it was awesome. And mentioned Alien and the cheesecake/feet connection. You'll have to piece together the rest, because I'm scared to try to post it again.

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