Monday, May 2, 2011

Best business idea ever & Osama musings

I've been having a Scentsy basket party and one of my co-workers asked if they had a bacon-scented bar that would go in a pig-shaped warmer. They don't, but they should. Sarah-Beth and I then thought of a lot of non-traditional Scentsy bars & warmers that they should carry. Scentsy is apparently not interested in carrying our ideas, so we are going to start an offshoot company called "Offensive Scents". We are totally open to start-up funds, so let me know if you want to invest. The monetary returns will probably be good and the "awesome" returns will be epic.

Also, having a baby has ruined me emotionally. I've always been pretty sensitive, but this morning I woke up sad for Osama's family. Don't get me wrong; I am glad that he is unable to plan any more terrorism, but I just think about if Harper was a mass-murderer and how much I would still love her and Osama's family is not only grieving, but watching footage of people lighting fireworks. Hopefully Harper doesn't become a terrorist mass-murderer so I never have to worry about that.

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