Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Adventures in Potty Training
Me: "If you go potty on the toilet, you can have candy. And a sticker."
Harper: "Candy!!!"
Me: "If you go potty on the toilet, yes!"
Harper: "NOOOOOO! Stop it! GO AWAY!"
Monday, November 7, 2011
Old Navy Active Wear!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Terrible 1.5s?
"Harper, do you want a banana?"
"Harper, do you want to go for a walk?"
"Harper, do you want to snuggle?"
I though I had more time before constant "No!"s and "Dop"s ("stop") came out of her sweet little mouth. It makes me want to go back to constant binky use. Except when she stops saying "No!" long enough to give me a kiss, complete with loud "Mwah!". Then all the sass is worth it.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
We got one!
I'm going to try to post a picture, so we will see what happens:
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Hoppy Poprocks and Jillian Jr.
Harper had her 15 month appointment today and it was pretty good. Her pediatrician (who was also Travis' pediatrician) retired so we switched to a new doctor in the same practice and love her! Harper is 20 pounds and 29 inches tall. She is in the 10th percentile for weight and between the 10th and 25th percentile for height. And her head is in the 90th percentile. That's my girl; orange on a toothpick.
I left early for Harper's appointment so I didn't get to ride the exercise bike at work on my lunch. To make up for it I did an hour on the Wii game my friend Jennifer loaned me and I am hurting. Can you die of aerobics? I swear the robot trainer is the secret love child of robot Jillian Michaels and Satan. She never gets tired or feels the muscle fatigue she keeps requiring of me... because she's a robot! I guess that's better than a real person telling me what to do who never gets tired or feels muscle fatigue.
Between workouts and Hop time I've been watching Doctor Who on Netflix Instant. It is awesome and nerdy. But not very many people watch it so there's not really anyone to talk to about it. Which means that I talk to everyone about it anyway and they just look at me like I'm speaking Mandarin. Throwing Tardis jokes into everyday conversation doesn't get laughs unless you work in IT, I guess.
Have a great week, loyal reader! ;)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Diets and Musicals
So the other day at work a coworker asked me what musical I would want to see on Broadway. Which really stumped me because the answer is, of course, "all of them". I want to see "The Book of Mormon" and "Wicked" and "Les Mis" and "Woman in White" and "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" and "25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" and "Phantom". And isn't Daniel Radcliffe on Broadway in "How to Succeed in Business Without Even Trying"? Add that to my list. And "Rent", of course. And if "Annie" and "Grease" are still running I should see them for old times sake... So I probably should avoid New York until I win the lottery because I hear Broadway isn't cheap. How would I choose one?!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Cutest baby and weekend shenanigans!
Here are all the accessories they sent me on my cute coffee table. The weird things on the table corners are stickers from the padded corner guards that Harper removed and chewed on. They sent a straw fedora (complete with adorable flower), cute blue sunglasses, an awesome yellow purse, and 2 chic scarves. They also sent 5 "Recycle Your Heart Out" totes as party favors!

Sarah originally came dressed for a Friday at the Office, but decided she'd rather be dressed as an American tourist in Japan! She's protected from Japan's rising sun with the straw fedora and blue sunglasses. Mt. Fuji will not give her a chill while she's wearing the black & white scarf. And she can fill the yellow purse will all sorts of fun Hello Kitty souveniers!

Thursday, May 19, 2011
OFFICIAL Zombiegeddon Instructions
It's nice to know that the government is at least a little prepared for zombiegeddon. Most of their tips are like "Haha. Zombies will never happen. Here's what to do if there's an earthquake..." Because you know what you DON'T want to do if your neighbors are trying to eat you? Meet your family by the mailbox. That just makes you a buffet. It is smart, however, to stock up on food and water. Or do what Travis plans to, which is kill the zombie neighbors that have stockpiles and steal their food.
And maybe start doing that now, because apparently the Rapture is Saturday and the dead rising from their graves is a big part of it. I feel bad for my sister Alicen because her birthday is Saturday. But she'll probably get to be Raptured and what a cool place to have your birthday party. "Hey, Alicen, where is your party this year?" "Oh, you know... heaven."
So, if the internet still exists Saturday night, I'll blog about all the cool free stuff I've been getting via the internet. I might even tell you how I'm getting it. I'm torn because if I divulge all my secrets that's less free stuff for me; but I'll think about it. If the internet does NOT exist and some of your neighbors disappear, steal their food and cool stuff and meet us at my house.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Our House... is a very, very, very weird house.
"Harper, I don't want you to play with a can. That seems dangerous. ... Want an axe?"
Yeah, that just happened.
Friday, May 13, 2011
The Pros and Cons of Language
We have been teaching Harper some sign language so that she can use it at meals, mostly. She knows "more", "eat" and "all done". She uses it all the time. For example, tonight I was trying to rock her to sleep and she stood up on my lap and signed "all done" and smiled at me. It was so cute that I let her play for another 30 minutes. Here's hoping she sleeps in a little tomorrow...
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
The Future is... Now!!!
Whew! Sorry to nerd out so hard and ramble. Harper is currently boycotting sleep and we started the Biggest Loser at work on Wednesday so I'm feeling a little punch drunk. And being punch drunk makes me ramble and also inspires me to invent awesome dance moves at work. It's a double-sided coin. Which all coins are. Double-sided, I mean.
Okay. I'll stop now. Really.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Disaster Plans
Monday, May 2, 2011
Best business idea ever & Osama musings
Also, having a baby has ruined me emotionally. I've always been pretty sensitive, but this morning I woke up sad for Osama's family. Don't get me wrong; I am glad that he is unable to plan any more terrorism, but I just think about if Harper was a mass-murderer and how much I would still love her and Osama's family is not only grieving, but watching footage of people lighting fireworks. Hopefully Harper doesn't become a terrorist mass-murderer so I never have to worry about that.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
About Harper

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
About Travis & Quinn
Monday, April 25, 2011
About Me
I was born in Portland, Oregon. My family moved to Wyoming a few months later and then when my parents split up my mom and I moved to Boise, where I now live. I'm very close to my mom and love when my Dad comes into town to see us. He lives in Stayton, Oregon.
I have a half-sister, Alicen, who is applying to grad schools and wants to be a Molecular Geneticist or something crazy like that. She's super smart. My half-brother, AJ, is a freshman at Chemeketa Community College in Salem, Oregon where he plans to major in Psychology.
I'm really big into reading, playing video games, watching movies, being a nerd...
I was a big community theater addict before I had Harper and plan to get back into that when she gets a little bit older. I'm the Historian and on the board of Daisy's Madhouse, which is a local theater company.
I'm a sales assistant for WPS (FLY Racing), which is a wholesale powersports distributor headquartered in Boise. I mostly make Excel spreadsheets and talk on the phone, and I LOVE IT! I work with a great and hilarious group of people and every day is an adventure.