Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Adventures in Potty Training

Harper: "I'm pooping..."
Me: "If you go potty on the toilet, you can have candy. And a sticker."
Harper: "Candy!!!"
Me: "If you go potty on the toilet, yes!"
Harper: "NOOOOOO! Stop it! GO AWAY!"

Monday, November 7, 2011

Old Navy Active Wear!

I qualified for Crowdtap's Old Navy Active Wear Sample & Share, which was awesome since I'm trying to get in better shape. Tessa and I each got a set of Old Navy Compression gear and we have been putting them to good use!

I started Couch to 5k this morning and the compression gear was awesome! It held everything in so it didn't jiggle when I ran, which for those of you who know me is quite an accomplishment. And I looked pretty good doing it, I think!

Thanks to Crowdtap and Old Navy!

And here's Tessa looking cute and stylish in her jacket:

Monday, July 4, 2011

Our 4th of July Parade

Terrible 1.5s?

Harper has started talking so much! It is adorable when she says "Goggy" and "Up" and "Ewww! Guck!" But her favorite word is "No!" and she is not shy about using it.

"Harper, do you want a banana?"

"Harper, do you want to go for a walk?"

"Harper, do you want to snuggle?"


I though I had more time before constant "No!"s and "Dop"s ("stop") came out of her sweet little mouth. It makes me want to go back to constant binky use. Except when she stops saying "No!" long enough to give me a kiss, complete with loud "Mwah!". Then all the sass is worth it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

We got one!

We got a gog! We were out walking last week (we all take a walk after dinner unless it's too hot) and a 3-legged dog ran up to us. I was Mama-bear to her until I saw how amazing she was with the kids. She seemed lost so I called the number on her collar and left a voicemail. The dog was so sweet and well-behaved that i remarked to Travis that she was the perfect dog for us and it was too bad that she had an owner. The owner (Kristi) called back and I let her know where we lived and told her we'd put the dog in our backyard until she could come get her. I had the baby in the tub when Kristi came but after they left Travis and Quinn ran to the bottom of the stairs excitedly and told me that Kristi had been looking for a new home for the dog and she was ours if we wanted her. So we went and got her Saturday. We named her Lena (cause she's a leaner...) and she is an amazing pet! She never barks and is super gentle with the kids. She lost her leg when she was hit by a car, so she hates loud noises (like thunder and fireworks... she's fine with my screaming kids) and is a bit timid, but we love her so much! And every time Harper sees her it's like Christmas. :)

I'm going to try to post a picture, so we will see what happens:

Saturday, June 11, 2011


I have got to find Harper a dog. We were at a party tonight and after she got over the fact that they have a Cozy Coupe (which she has decided she needs until we actually buy her one, I'm sure, when she won't want anything to do with it) she was all about the dog. First she was content just being held and yelling "Gog!" at it whenever it came even remotely close to her. Then she had to get down and chase the dog around the yard. Then she had to pet the dog (very gently, while saying "Ice... Ice..." which means "nice"). By the time we left, she was fully hugging the dog with her face pressed against his little body. And this was a yappy chihuahua, which I consider a dog/cat/rat mix. But she sure loved that dog.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Hoppy Poprocks and Jillian Jr.

Travis gave Harper some Poprocks the other day and filmed it and sent it to me. It was hilarious and she loved them. It also gave me a great band name - Hoppy Poprocks. Right?!

Harper had her 15 month appointment today and it was pretty good. Her pediatrician (who was also Travis' pediatrician) retired so we switched to a new doctor in the same practice and love her! Harper is 20 pounds and 29 inches tall. She is in the 10th percentile for weight and between the 10th and 25th percentile for height. And her head is in the 90th percentile. That's my girl; orange on a toothpick.

I left early for Harper's appointment so I didn't get to ride the exercise bike at work on my lunch. To make up for it I did an hour on the Wii game my friend Jennifer loaned me and I am hurting. Can you die of aerobics? I swear the robot trainer is the secret love child of robot Jillian Michaels and Satan. She never gets tired or feels the muscle fatigue she keeps requiring of me... because she's a robot! I guess that's better than a real person telling me what to do who never gets tired or feels muscle fatigue.

Between workouts and Hop time I've been watching Doctor Who on Netflix Instant. It is awesome and nerdy. But not very many people watch it so there's not really anyone to talk to about it. Which means that I talk to everyone about it anyway and they just look at me like I'm speaking Mandarin. Throwing Tardis jokes into everyday conversation doesn't get laughs unless you work in IT, I guess.

Have a great week, loyal reader! ;)